Learn English – What does “don’t turn this back on me” mean


I want to know what does "don't turn this back on me" mean in conversations? Does its meaning is always "don't blame me" or it also have another usages?

I see this in a movie and with the help of subtitle I knew that it's about blaming someone. but one of my friends told that it could also mean "don't change the subject".

So this caused I ask this question. However, maybe it's better I ask which meaning is more general or in which situations we may use that?

Best Answer

In general, this phrase is used when people (usually the villains or antagonists of some piece of fiction) are attempting to access who is at fault or the cause of a problem.

One person will assert that someone (but not them) is to blame. Then someone else proposes that the first person could be or is to blame (this could be the accused, or just a cohort of the first person with sympathies for the accused). The first person retorts with "Don't turn this back on me!".

So you could say it means "I refuse to talk about how I might be to blame." This phrase is really only used in that situation. It can't be used as a substitute for "Don't blame me!" or "Don't change the subject!".

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