Learn English – What does “for” mean in this sentence


I have a sentence as follows:

For everyone who reads and applies the Bible, there will be one more of happy people in the world.

What does "for" mean? At first I think it means "because", but if so, it's nonsense in this sentence. Can you explain it?

Best Answer

When for combines with a word like each, every, all, some followed by a noun, it acts as an iterator of the members of the specified subset of class [noun].

In respect to each member of the subset of the class...

For every success, the inventor had ten failures.

For each of the first five chapters in the book, write a short summary of the plot.

For every rabbit dispatched, an additional four heads of lettuce went to market.

For every pot there was a lid.

For many a student, this was the first time they had seen snow.

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