Learn English – What does from one generation to another mean


In Pearson Scott Foresman at page 95, I read

Genetic traits are the traits that are carried from parents to their children from one generation to another.

What does "from one generation to another" mean?

Please be very simple, English isn't my native language.

Best Answer

Welcome to Biology.SE!

from one generation to another is equivalent to

  • from parents to their children
  • from any parent generation to any offspring generation
  • through time

If the expression from one generation to another really bothers you, then you can just consider the shortened sentence which bear the same meaning.

Genetic traits are the traits that are carried from parents to their children

One reason why there is this reference to generations is because it is common in population genetics models to assume for simplicity that generations are not overlapping. That is all parents reproduce only once and all die at this exact same time. As such an offspring is never alive in the same time as the parent. It is an unrealistic model for most species but it is a very helpful one.

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