Learn English – What does “have a pop-up feel” mean


Support for the Rohingya cause across the region has a pop-up feel.

Source: Nouzie

I looked up pop-up in Merriam Webster:

1: pop fly

2: a component or device that pops up

3: a pop-up book

4: a pop-up window on a computer screen

I guess pop-up feel has to do with the first definition,
so does it mean the support of the Rohingya is very high, as a pop fly is? Or does it mean something else?

Best Answer

The writer of this article is probably a native speaker (or very good with English) but that doesn't mean the article itself is particularly well-written. For example, there is a paragraph where the word "seemingly" is used at least three times, when once would be more than enough.

"A pop-up feel" is not a very elegant turn of phrase. It's not a typical or standard English idiom, so we all have to guess what the writer means by reading the rest of the paragraph:

This North Caucasus bias was reflected in Yandex, Russia’s largest national search engine, reporting a sharp increase in searches about Myanmar coming from the region. Support for the Rohingya cause across the region has a pop-up feel. Many long-standing Islamic-themed Vkontakte pages have transformed themselves into 24/7 pro-Rohingya advocacy channels overnight.

It seems that "pop-up" means "appearing suddenly", or "without a long history". It would have been better if the writer had used the common English idiom "to pop up overnight".

Support for the Rohyngya cause across the region has popped up seemingly overnight.

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