Learn English – What does “I am getting confused” mean


If somebody who is speaking with me says, "I am getting confused." what does that mean?

I would understand that as "somebody thinks I am somebody else," but since the topic is not that, I don't understand exactly what that sentence would mean.

Is there another way of saying "I am getting confused."?

Best Answer

"I am confused" means "I do not understand."

From The Free Dictionary:

confused [kənˈfjuːzd] adj

  1. feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed

"I am getting confused" has basically the same meaning; the implication is that they are in the progress of becoming confused ("I'm beginning to not understand").

A more common phrasing this (in my experience) is:

I'm starting to get confused.

This is a polite way of saying you've strayed into an area that they don't understand, and would like you to explain it differently or perhaps slow down. This also carries the implication that their confusion began recently; for example if you've been discussing something for an hour it's safe to assume that they're not confused about everything you've said, but that something you've said recently has confused them.

To address the source of your misunderstanding:

You mentioned that your guess as to what "I am getting confused" meant was "somebody thinks I am somebody else." If you actually want to say "somebody thinks I am somebody else", you would say:

I am often confused with Michael Jordan.

The with is very important; when you are confused with someone else, that means that very often people think you are that person. If this is something that has happened only once, not as a recurring pattern, you could say:

She confused me with [x].

Or if the event is still occurring, you could say:

I am being confused with [x].

Though this is unlikely, because usually if someone mistakes you for someone else, you clear the matter up immediately (that is, you'd tell the person they're wrong and the confusion would end before you would turn to someone else and tell them what's happening).

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