Learn English – What does “I could just spit” mean


could you please help to decipher the meaning of the idiom "I could just spit"? I have a sentence:
"I'm so sick of people I could just spit",
but I've also found many examples in google, such as "I'm so excited I could spit" or " I'm so tired, I'm practically furious. I could just spit " Only one source, also in google 🙂 gives the meaning "of being very angry", but how being very angry is compatible with excitement?

Suppose that doesn't mean spiting in a direct sense, does it?
Thank you very much!

Best Answer

"I could just spit" means the person is very angry.

It may be a contraction of the idiom "I could spit nails!"

To be fair, you could have found definitions for these here and here.

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