Learn English – What does “I don’t see that there’s much to go on” mean


I don’t see that there’s much to go on.

Does it mean:

There is no reason to go on the discussion?

Or it means something else?

The fuller text is here:

It’s Ian who starts it, bluntly asking the attorney why he seems to be
suggesting that Dana’s death might not have been an accident.

“Very well,” David says, looking around at the rest of them,
as if considering what to say. He takes a deep breath and exhales. “I
don’t think that Dana’s death was an accident.” He pauses and adds,
“In fact, I think she was pushed. And then I think her head was
deliberately and forcefully smashed against the bottom stair.” […]

think it’s a distinct possibility,” the attorney says crisply. Riley
grips the arms of her chair tightly. She feels the tension build in
the silent room; it’s palpable. Then Riley blurts out what they’re all
thinking: “Did Matthew do it?” […]

David turns to her and says, “I have
no idea.” […]

It seems to me,” Henry says, in his
slightly pompous way, “that if this is a murder, it would be almost
impossible to solve. It seems to have happened in the middle of the
night. We were all asleep in our beds. There are no witnesses. Unless
someone wants to confess, or share some helpful information about
seeing someone creeping about in the night, I don’t see that there’s
much to go on.

An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena

Best Answer

I don't see that there's much to go on.

In my opinion there are few clues and they are not very good ones.

I don't see much = I see rather little

not much to go on = little to serve as a basis for proceeding further.

P.S. As Darren remarks in the comment, the "prosodic" emphasis falls on the word go:

There's not much to on.