Learn English – What does “I have weak nerves.” mean


What does someone mean when they say that they have "incredibly weak nerves" ? It does not refer to a medical condition.

Best Answer

It really, really depends on the context.

This means "Please don't tell me anything that might prove stressful for me":

PAMELA[whining]. Did you have to tell me they're all out there? I've got weak nerves. [faints]

This means "Don't be a smartass; I'm pretty irritable today":

PAMELA [threateningly]. Look, buster. You know I've got weak nerves. I can snap any moment. You keep annoying me like that, I'll strangle you.

The following means "She'll be getting on my nerves all the time. She's got a high-pitched gravelly voice. I hate her":

PAMELA[philosophically]. If Linda's going, I'm staying right here. I realize she's a riot and everything, but I've got weak nerves. I'm entitled to get some rest: I'm on vacation.

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