Learn English – What does “In others, not at all.” mean


From the NY Times,

"Their father has the only key to the front door, and he keeps it locked. In some years, they are allowed outside only a handful of times. In others, not at all."

The sentence is too ambiguous for me to understand. What I understand is that, their father had only one key for front door. After some years they are allowed to go outside. After that, it's as in the last sentence: "In others, not at all." I don't get that part.

Is that grammatically correct, if yes what does it mean?

Best Answer

"In some years, they are allowed outside only a handful of times" - this tells us the father is extremely controlling, denying his children access to the outside world except for a very small number of occasions.

"In others" - this means, other years, because "some years" was the subject in the previous sentence - "not at all" - the kids don't get let outside every year...

I can't see quite where it's ambiguous, however - presumably the reference back to the previous sentence?

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