Learn English – What does “it gets old pretty fast” mean in these sentences


I have two sentences:

  1. What is your overall opinion of this school?

    The campus is beautiful in the snow but it gets old pretty fast. Most students tend to stay indoors for the long winter unless they are out at a mountain…

  2. Have you ever been to a party or gathering and been seated next to someone who just spends the whole night talking about themselves? It gets old pretty fast.

What does "it gets old pretty fast" mean in these sentences?

Best Answer

It means you get tired of it pretty fast. It seems "old" after a few days, because the time drags and seems to last longer and longer. And you wonder how much longer it can last, and still there's more, and more, and more.

(After living through winters in Chicago and Massachusetts, believe me, I can tell you it does get old. See the picture below for an example. And there were another six or eight weeks of winter left! )

enter image description here