Learn English – What does “Just great!” mean


I watched TV and a man said “Just great!” when his car stopped running and wasn’t working.

I thought the word “great” must be positive thing, but it seemed it was negative thing in this case.

So could you explain me what “Just great!” mean?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Agree with Adam. This is certainly spoken in a sarcastic manner. Now, back to the OP's concern.

There is no specific meaning for 'Just great!' other than you are describing something that has surprised you. Now it depends which context or scene you are talking in.

For instance, in a meeting to plan celebration of the New Year if someone comes up with really good idea, you may say, "Just great!"

In the above mentioned scene, the person is already frustrated (maybe, he's already getting late and things are not happening the way he wants) and another nail in the coffin, the car stops! There he sighs in frustration, "Just great (damn)!"

All in all, just great may indicate something more in the same context. Now this more could be good, bad, frustrating, entertaining, delighting or whatever!

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