Learn English – What does “leagues away” mean



Fang Ning’s height was comparable to his in a fight, but that body
size was leagues away.

I don't understand "leagues away". I also think "his in a fight" is strange.

Best Answer

A league is a distance equal to about 5 km.

Leagues away is an idiom meaning "far away" or "very different".

I also think "his in a fight" is strange.

This part is not particularly fluent English. If we just said

Fang Ning's height was comparable to his.

It would have a clear meaning: The two characters have roughly equal height. Presumably this is true whether they fight each other or not.

A more idiomatic way of saying what I think the author is trying to say might be

If it came to a fight, Fang Ning's height was comparable to his, but their builds were leagues apart.

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