Learn English – What does “let me have it” mean


Consider this conversation:

Person A:

I used to work til 3am then walk home in -20 or better windchills, with the wind blasting ice in your face (it's no longer fair to call it snow at that temperature, it's just tiny shards of ice) and I loved it. It makes me feel capable and alive, and better than southerners. Like maybe I could make it in the arctic.

Person B:

It makes you feel better than southerners?

Person A:

Yup, what do they have? Horrific insects, which is something I wouldn't tolerate, so maybe they're tough in their own way, but whatever. Let me have it.

When person A said let me have it, does it mean something like let me win this argument?

Best Answer

I am Lananaroux or Person A in this situation. Tyler James Young is correct as to what I meant by "Let me have it."

In my comment, I conceded that Southerners really do deal with quite a lot in terms of weather and surviving nature and the elements. However, I intended to imply that feeling like I'm hardier than Southerners during the winter months helps me feel strong enough to endure our long, cold winters. When I said "Let me have it" I meant: "Please just let me think that I am stronger for living here, where it is cold, than if I moved south, where it is warm, because whether or not it is true, the thought helps me through the winter."

I'd rather not be burdened with the truth of the matter, I would rather just have my feeling of superiority whether or not it is actually valid.

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