Learn English – What does Let’s “crack on” mean


What does ‘crack on’ phrase means. I've heared it in following use cases.

  • Boss is saying to us: 'Let's crack on' – and we start discussing projects.
  • Man is discussing with sombody: 'We've cracked on with that girl'

Can somebody explain it please.

Best Answer

It appears to be British slang (at the very least). It also appears to have several meanings, but the relevant ones follow.

For the first one

Let's crack on

  1. “Crack on” can mean either “start” or “continue”, depending on the context and progress of the activity. [1]
  2. British slang meaning to resume an activity and similar to "get cracking" in American slang. [2]

So it sounds like it could mean, "Let's begin!" or "Let's continue!" depending one where you are in the process.

We've cracked on with that girl

  1. to try to become familiar with someone you would like to date. [2]

So it sounds like they hit on/flirted with the girl.

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