Learn English – What does “Let’s face it, xxxx” mean


I have a curiosity about "let's face it".
What does "Let's face it, xxxx" mean?

Best Answer

If there is an uncomfortable fact that you knew was true but you tried to avoid it, but can't avoid it anymore, you'd say

Let's face it, [fact].

For example, you and someone else were driving a car, and then the car broke down in the middle of nowhere. You're trying to get the car to start, but it obviously isn't working. After a while, you give up and say:

Let's face it, this car isn't going to start.

It comes from "facing the facts". There are facts that you know are true, but you're trying to ignore them, so you've "turned your back against the facts". When you admit the facts, you're "turning around to face the facts". "Let's face it" means "Let's admit that these facts are true(even though we both knew it already)".