Learn English – What does “live down” mean in this sentence


I'm not sure if lives down means forgotten or that she lives in a floor down the protagonist:

"When your teardrops go sour and no longer fall
the splash cross the virgin that lives down your hall"

Best Answer

In this case, 'lives down' means a neighbor (in this case the virgin), probably within an appartment complex, whose door shares an internal hallway with your own. You would say that said neighbor 'lives down the hall' from you. You run into this phrase at work or schools as well when telling someone to go further 'down the hall' to find the door to their office or classroom. A hotel also would be a place where this phrase could apply as well.

You may also see 'a few doors down' or even possibly 'up the hall' to mean the same thing, though 'up the hall' feels to me like the direction specified is going the opposite direction than what is expected.