Learn English – What does “look up to it” means


Will you please tell me what "didn't look up to it" in the senteces below means?

''The press were writing up right through that season that I should have been in the side, then in the first innings I made 22 in two hours and they said I didn't look up to it so they changed their mind,'' Moss said.

''One minute they're saying you should be in the side, the next he didn't look up to it. I thought I did all right in the second innings.''

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cricket/george-bailey-hopes-to-echo-debut-of-onetest-wonder-moss-20131118-2xrar.html#ixzz38lZfstni

Best Answer

look sense 12 - seem, appear to be, give the impression of being
to be up to [it, doing something] - to be able to do something (often, fit/healthy/strong enough)

The highlighted passage can thus be read as...

...they said I didn't seem to be sufficiently skilled (or fit) to play, so they dropped me from the side

The second citation just looks confusing because there are three different pronouns all refering to the same person (you when "they" are addressing the speaker, he when one of "them" is speaking to someone else, and I when the speaker refers to himself).