Learn English – What does “of working age” mean


I have to answer the following question, and I don't understand what it means.

Are you a dependent of a person who is or will be working in Canada and you're of working age?

  • What does it mean by "are you a dependent of a person who is or will be working in Canada? Does "dependent of" mean "responsible for" here?

  • What does it mean by "of working age"? Does it mean "in the age of serving as employee"? (Say, from 20 years old to 60 years old.)

Best Answer

Are you a dependent of a person who is or will be working in Canada?

This means: Are you being supported (financially) by a person who is or will be working in Canada?

If someone is supporting someone else who lives with them, say a boyfriend or a friend down on her luck, they might be able to claim that person as a dependent. It doesn't necessarily have to be someone related to them.

Are you of working age?

This simply means: Are you old enough to legally work (under Canadian laws I presume)?

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