Learn English – What does “one-man shop” mean


I am not sure if it refers to Heron Wealth or not because their website doesn't tell me.

"Previously a one-man shop growing assets at a 5% annual rate, Edwards transformed his fiduciary wealth management firm by adopting a “hyper-productive” team approach that has been growing assets under management 30%-40% annually. Heron Wealth grew from $122 million in assets in January 2013 to $285 million through February 2017."

Source: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-one-financial-adviser-lands-seven-figure-accounts-2017-04-25?mod=fa_center

Best Answer

You interpret this correctly. A 'one-man shop' is a business with only a single employee/owner, or only a single active principal, and in this case it clearly refers to the firm, not the firm's owner.

Technically, the supplemental 'verbless clause' Previously a one-man shop growing assets at a 5% annual rate is improperly anchored—since it introduces the sentence it should refer to the subject of the main clause, Edwards. But looking at this as a writer, I see that Ms. Swift is in something of a box: she wants to lead her sentence with a description of the firm as it was pre-transformation, but she also wants to focus on Edwards' action by casting her main clause in the active voice with Edwards as its subject. She consequently accepts the technical impropriety of a dangling clause—or perhaps she feels that in a one-man shop the distinction between the firm and its principal is trivial.

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