Learn English – What does ‘opposite view’ mean? (Picture)


I mean to ask about the "opposite view" of picture that is presented. How is it supposed to look like? Can I have an example please?
For example, if I would point on this arrow, what is the opposite view of this arrow?

enter image description here

I looked for an answer on Google and I saw a lot of different pictures in different positions. Maybe here I can clarify the issue.

Best Answer

The only situation I can think of, as far as pictures are concerned, is that "opposite view" designates a projection (talking about 3-dimensional world shown on a 2-dimensional view) with the inverted viewing vector (usually the 'z' coordinate after the view transform).

For instance, a view from the top ("top view") might have the view from the bottom ("bottom view") as "opposite view". Another example, a front view would have the back view as its opposite. Those examples all talk about an object viewed from different sides.

It is also possible that the view of the environment by the "viewer" can be made opposite, although it's less likely. Imagine yourself taking a photo by pointing your camera in some direction. That direction is an infinite line crossing the center of your camera's objective lens. Now imagine turning around and pointing your camera in the opposite direction, but along the same line. That would also be an opposite view.

The phrase "opposite view" is really not common as far as pictures go. It's used more to describe an opinion almost diametrically opposed to some given opinion.