Learn English – What does public worker mean


What does the word "public worker" mean? I have searched through Internet and there was no definition for the word public worker. However, i found a definition for the word "public works" which according to the dictionary it means projects set up by the government for public use such as roads, bridges, schools and etc. Based on what "public works" mean, i have thought public worker could mean someone who is involved with public works. I am not sure if i am right or not, so i just wanted to ask here.

Please help me.


Best Answer

A "public worker" is someone who works for the government. It would include teachers at public schools (i.e. government-run schools), policemen, bureaucrats, etc.

"Public works" means government-run construction projects. So a public worker might well be involved in public works, but they also could be doing many other things.

I should clarify that this is American usage. I don't know if it's different in other English-speaking countries. I think it's the sort of word that might be.

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