Meaning – What Does ‘Rabbited’ Mean or Imply in This Sentence?


I am totally lost in the sentence as when Agent Coulson was dying, he said this to Fury:

I’m sorry, boss. The god rabbited,"

I assume the god refers to Loki? And how did rabbit have anything to do with Loki? (because Loki's helmet had long horns, like rabbit ears?)

I checked the meaning of "rabbit" as a verb, it either means "go rabbiting to hunt" or "to talk continuously about things that are not important or interesting"; neither seems to fit the context.

So could anyone help please?

Here is the sentence in the context :

He found Coulson sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. He was
pale, his eyes heavy-lidded and his breath shallow. He looked up as
Fury approached and knelt in front of him. Fury took the gun off his
lap and set it on the floor.

“I’m sorry, boss. The god rabbited,” Coulson said.

“Just stay awake. Eyes on me.”

“No. I’m clocking out here.” Even on the edge of death, Coulson kept
his cool. Clocking out, Fury thought. How many soldiers could make a
little joke in the last moments of their lives? Coulson was one of a

“Not an option,” Fury said. He couldn’t afford to lose this man. Not
after everything else they’d lost today.

“It’s okay, boss,” Coulson breathed. “This was never going to work . .
. if they didn’t have something . . . to . . .”

He never finished what he was going to say. With a last slow sigh,
Agent Phil Coulson died.

the avengers I

Best Answer

"Rabbit" can also mean "move quickly; run away".

It would seem in this context that Loki fled.

See the third definition for this verb in the Oxford dictionary.

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