Learn English – What does ‘sales take off’ mean


Consider how long it has taken something as simple as battery-powered vehicles to carve a niche for themselves. After a couple of decades, hybrid and electric vehicles still account for no more than 2% of new-car sales in most countries. Battery prices and storage capacities are finally approaching a point where sales could feasibly take off. But even under the most optimistic of assumptions (say, electrics accounting for half of all new-car sales), it would be 2035 at the earliest before they represented half the vehicles on American roads. Expect fully autonomous vehicles to face an equally long and winding road.

What's the meaning of 'sales could take off' in that sentence?
and does 'sales' in that sentence mean general cars' sales?

Best Answer

Take off means:

to suddenly start to be successful or popular

(Cambridge online dictionary)

The sentence means that because batteries are now cheaper and can store more power, more people might want to buy of battery-powered vehicles, so the sales of these vehicles would grow considerably.