Learn English – What does “setting” mean in this sentence


There is a lot of information in this video, much more than anyone can digest in one single setting.

It seems like "one single time" or something like that, I suppose. But I can't find a similar explanation in any dictionaries.

As it is easy to be confused, I put the link to the video here.
The sentence is at 13:25 and It's indeed a "setting" but not a "sitting".

Best Answer

It might just be a simple spelling error in your transcript or whatever it is that you've got there. They might have misspelled the word sitting as setting. Or you might have misheard it as setting if it was you who were writing that transcript. Anyway, sitting makes more sense and is actually the word you would more likely see used in this context. And if that's the case, it's now all down to a simple dictionary lookup:


A continuous period of being seated, especially when engaged in a particular activity.

'twenty pieces of music is a bit much to take in at one sitting'

'And sure, it is a lot to ask the average museum visitor to sit through eight films in one sitting.'

'The more calories you eat in a sitting, the more likely you are to store them as body fat.'

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