Idioms – What ‘Some Type of Sheep Meat’ Means


I read a comment on StackOverflow about "What is depending typing?". And the poster complained about Wikipedia's hard-to-read article about dependent typing. The exact comment is:

Well, the article opens with lambda cubes, which sound like some type of sheep meat to me. Then it goes on to discuss λΠ2 systems, and as I don't speak alien I skipped that section. Then I read about the calculus of inductive constructions, which incidentally seems to have little to do with calculus, heat transfer, or construction. After giving a language comparison table, the article ends, and I am left more confused than when I got to the page

What does "some type of sheep meat" mean? It seems to be "familiar stuff" since the sentence is supposed to introduce what OP can understand and then give the contrasting obtuse stuff next to it.

Best Answer

It is a joke

"Lambda cubes" sounds like "lamb cubes" and lamb is the meat of a young sheep. So "Lamb cubes" would be sheep meat cut into blocks.

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