Learn English – What does “sprawling city” mean


What does "sprawling city" mean exactly?

I consulted a dictionary and it said that

sprawling city – a city spreading out wide area in a way that is not
carefully planned.

But could you please open it up?

Best Answer

The adjective sprawling is used in the expression "sprawling city" because it conveys the idea of something that moves or grows over a large area in a nonordered way:

  • The adjective sprawling is good for describing things that extend across a large area. You could describe your school as sprawling if it consists of many buildings spread over several acres.

  • It's pretty common to hear a city or its suburbs described as sprawling, since some cities tend to grow that way, spreading their populations out over a large amount of land. You can also describe your brother as sprawling if he likes to sit stretched out on the couch, taking up more than his share of space.

  • The verb sprawl is at the root of sprawling, and it comes from an Old English word, spreawlian, "move convulsively." (Vocabulary.com)

Sprawl (n.):

  • meaning "straggling expansion of built-up districts into surrounding countryside" is from 1955. (Etymonline)

Note also the expression urban sprawl:

  • Urban sprawl or suburban sprawl describes the expansion of human populations away from central urban areas into low-density, monofunctional and usually car-dependent communities, in a process called suburbanization. In addition to describing a particular form of urbanization, the term also relates to the social and environmental consequences associated with this development. (Wikipedia)
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