Learn English – What does “stack” mean here


“You know what I like about people?” he asks, staring into the camera. “They stack so well.” He’s been reading newspaper coverage of the carnage he’s created.


Does he really mean people physically stack so well in a photo or something else?

Best Answer

I'm not quite sure, but it seems it's about "forming a neat stack of corpses".

Of course in the context given it's all spoken figuratively - "carnage", "chitlins", "eviscerating", that's all metaphors - everything in the mentioned text is about politics: ruining careers, compromising reputation, costing fortunes.

In this context, it's a tongue-in-cheek use of a really psychopathic expression that might be used by a mass-murderer might say, in context of politics: how a whole lot of people lose all significance, dead to the world of politics - and for the one who caused this, their only redeeming value is that "they stack neatly" meaning now that they are out of politics they don't cause any other trouble.

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