Learn English – What does “straight to smashing” mean


Tinder is like Facebook, but it's just, like, straight to smashing.

What does "straight to smashing" mean?

I tried to find answer following below step, but it doesn't make sense. Please, help me.

  1. It's straight to smashing.
  2. straight : frank
  3. smash : to go to pieces suddenly under collision or pressure
  4. It's frank to going to pieces?????????
  5. I can't even understand the literal meaning.

Best Answer

Tinder is, like Facebook, a social media site, but oriented toward making new connections; it is consequently used mostly as a dating service.

Straight here is used in the sense "directly, immediately, by the shortest route".

Smash has recently accrued a new slang meaning, "have sex"—it's a relatively inoffensive way to say fuck.

So you may paraphrase your sentence as:

Tinder is like Facebook but enables its users to move more directly toward sexual encounters.

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