Learn English – What does the believoisie mean



Thankfully, though, Hitchens' score-settling asides to the believoisie don't take up the bulk of Mortality.

It has something to do with a litany of grievances against the believoisie so rote that it might well (or ironically) be styled a catechism.

Even Urban Dictionary doesn't know it, but nevertheless, it seems to be a quite known slang word in certain circles. I guess that it roughly means believers, but what are the implications? Is it a portmanteau word?—if so, I can't discern the second part.

Best Answer

It is a recent coinage, with very little currency. I.e almost nobody will know the word, and you won't be understood if you use it. The earliest use I can find on the internet dates from 2005, by Chris Lehmann in a review of Sam Harris's The End of Faith

The secular set accuses the believoisie of superstition and antiscientific senselessness.

It is a portmanteau of Believe and Bourgeoisie. The Bourgeoisie are, in Marxist use, the middle classes who own much of the wealth (contrasted with the proletariat or working classes, and the aristocracy). The Believoisie are the people who believe in God, and are said to control the morals of society in the way that the Bourgeoisie control the Captial. As a portmanteau, the pronunciation would be something like /bɪˈliːvwɑːˌziː/, that is "believe" followed by the last two syllables of "bourgeoisie".

In the American context, it refers to the "religious right" in America, that have influence over many politicians, particularly Southern Republicans

The implications are negative, just as Marxists use "Bourgeoise" as a term of abuse.

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