Phrase Meaning – What Does ‘Right on the Tip of My Tongue’ Mean?


After googling, I'm not really sure what exactly it means. I have two conclusions:

  1. It means that I don't remember an easy word or a name right now although I already know it and I was able to remember it any time in
    the past. So I'm like It'll come to me.


  1. It means that I was about to say something but someone else said it faster than me. I didn't forget this something at all. I already
    remember it but someone said it before me.

Which one is correct? Is it about forgetting or speed?

Best Answer

"I have a word right on the tip of my tongue" means I can almost recall it but am not able to do so. So, like in your first example.

If something that you want to say is on the tip of your tongue, you think you know it and that you will be able to remember it very soon. (Cambridge Dictionary)

In your second example, when you intend to say something, but someone says it before you, you can say:

You took the words right out of my mouth. (