Learn English – What does the phrasal verb “work in” mean in this context


In this paragraph:

For my Spanish class in my junior year… um… we had to do a project
that involved making a movie. And I had never worked with a video
camera before ‘coz I never owned one. And my friend and I decided to
do an action flick because that would be something fun. So I decided
one day… the thought just came to me as I was brushing my hair that we
could do a B-movie, horrible movie. And we could call it Attack of the
Killer of Sombrero. And a sombrero is a big Mexican hat, so it
worked in with my Spanish class.

The Longman dictionary says "work in" means to include something or to add something to another. However, I don't think that's correct. I guess "work in" in that context means to be suitable. Or I can write: "…, so it was suitable with my Spanish class".

Could you advise whether my guess is correct?

Best Answer

In this context, 'worked in' is a little ambiguous. In both senses it means that there is a connection between the subject of the class and the subject of the planned film, but it's not clear whether that connection is required or just helpful. Despite many rereads, I'm not sure which meaning is more likely.

In the first case, your suggestion 'so it was suitable with my Spanish class' would need to be edited as suitable should be followed by 'for' in this sentence structure. 'So it was suitable for my Spanish class' would be grammatically correct and convey this meaning.

In the second case, a phrase such as 'linked in well' or 'fitted in nicely' could replace it.

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