Learn English – What does the phrase, “Money talks, BS walks” mean


What does the phrase, "Money talks, BS walks" mean? I replaced a bad word with "BS".

I've googled it, and I've found several conflicting meanings. For instance, this Reddit thread has several interpretations. Ristin's response is basically the same as Urban Dictionary's, but his answer was downvoted:

It means that money can influence people and be used to get things done, but "bullshit" like sales pitches, marketing, deciet and so-on usually get seen through by most people. So, if you have money it 'talks' and can get stuff done. If you have to rely on BS-ing people, you'll be shown the door.

Another different definition appears on wikipedia.

Best Answer

In very generalized terms, it means:

If you meet the stated requirements, I will let you proceed. If you clearly do not meet the stated requirements and are attempting to convince me that I should let you proceed anyway, I will force you to leave.

Most commonly, the "stated requirements" are "can you pay the amount I am demanding", i.e. "do you have enough money". For a literal application of the phrase, consider a couple of poor college students trying to get into a party for which there is a $25 entrance fee. If they show up without enough money, and instead of paying they attempt to convince the gatekeeper that they are friends of the band, he might well tell them "Money talks, BS walks" as he refuses them entry.

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