Meaning of ‘There Is No Hurry’ When Responding to an Offer for Help


For example, say somebody says "I'll rush down quickly and get the papers for you" and then you respond with "There is no hurry."

Does this mean that you've declined the offer for help, or that you're just telling the person that they don't need to rush?

Best Answer

The phrase “there is no hurry” means that you are telling the other person

  • the work is not urgent,
  • they do not need to hurry, and
  • they can “take their time”. (definition)

You can also say “there is no rush”, “take your time”, or “don’t rush.”

You can say (informally), “No rush.” (This is a sentence fragment.)


Using “no rush“ or “no hurry” in this way is an idiom.

You can’t say the opposite:

There is hurry.

There is rush.

Instead, you would say:

This is urgent.

Time is of the essence. (another idiom)

This is important to me.

I need this done by 5 p.m.
