Learn English – What does ‘the way a thing turns out’ mean


outcome is defined as "the way a thing turns out" by "Google: define outcome". What does "the way" mean here? What does "turn out" mean here?

Best Answer

The word "how" could be substituted for "the way"; and the phrase "ends up" could be used in place of "turns out." So, an alternate definition would be:

outcome (n.) – how something ends up

It might be easier to explain by using the word outcome in context.

The election had a very questionable outcome.

Remember, outcome means "the way a thing turns out," or "how something ends up". In that sentence:

  • The "thing" (or "something") is the election.
  • "The way it turned out" (or "how it ended up") is with a questionable result. (In this context, questionable could mean two things: It could mean that the election was so close, a winner has not yet been determined; or, it could mean that foul play is suspected, and that observers don't believe it was a fair election.

Now, a more complex example:

A more recent study found that the most predictive factor for a favorable outcome for adolescents was length of treatment, even when patient problem severity was statistically controlled. (Gallanter and Allen, 2003)

  • The "thing" (or "something") is the treatment for a disorder.
  • "The way it turned out" (or "how it ended up") is favorable – meaning the patients either no longer had the disorder, or else it was less severe.

The sentence is reporting the results of the study: the longer an adolescent patient is treated, the more likely that patient will be cured.

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