Learn English – What does the word “a**holes” mean in this context


I was reading a conversation on Facebook where some one said that "many girls like assholes". I tried to google it, but I couldn't get the exact meaning of the word. Who are assholes in this sentence? and does the word have other meanings?

Is it a slang?

Best Answer

In the context where you've seen this remark, I assume the word is a synonym for jerk, which means:

A foolish, rude, or contemptible person.

I'd guess that the conversation that you allude to was more or less talking about the "bad boy" phenomenon. As one columnist wrote:

I'm often questioned by men who tell me they are "nice guys" but feel ignored by women who, they say, "prefer to be treated like crap". While I don't agree that nice guys always finish last, I do understand that we women do make some damn silly dating decisions.

Most of the men I know are kind, polite and adorable in practically every way, yet, like many women, I have an illogical soft-spot for massive jerks. There is something about bad boys that we find incredibly appealing, even though we often regret the experience afterwards.

I can't say if this is reality, myth, or urban legend, but there is a lot of serious discussion on the topic. As for why it's true (or if it's true), that would be a question for Cognitive Sciences – but at least you now know what the phrase is talking about.

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