Learn English – What does “they are facing their chest and shoulder” mean in this paragraph

meaning-in-contextverb usage

I'm reading a book about body language. The book has a paragraph:

The most obvious nonverbal indication of contacting is how you position yourself in relation to other people. This includes both how close you are to them and the angle at which you face them. You should always try to turn your entire body toward them while at the same time positioning yourself in front of them, judging by wherever they are facing their chest and shoulders. By placing yourself right in front of them, you can easily nonverbally contact with them , which is ideal.

I wonder if the writer wrote correctly in the expression "judging by wherever they are facing their chest and shoulders", because I think people can't face their chest and shoulders. Can you explain it for me?

Best Answer

In my opinion, the author's wording is a little awkward, but understandable after a moment.

5 : surface: a (1) : a front, upper, or outer surface (2) : the front of something having two or four sides (3) : facade
tr. v.
4. b : to have the front oriented toward <a house facing the park>
intr. v.
1 : to have the face or front turned in a specified direction
2 : to turn the face in a specified direction

The verb face can be used with things that don't actually have a (human) face. The thing needs to be or have a "front" part. So when two people stand so that their chests and shoulders face each other, the chest and shoulders are more or less parallel to one another. They look like this. enter image description here Their entire bodies are toward each other and in front of each.

Here is a different example.

enter image description here Notice that their faces are facing one another, but their bodies are not. They are not positioned like the two women above. B's body is partly facing A's body, but their chests are not facing one another.

judging by wherever they are facing their chest and shoulders.

If B wanted to follow the author's advice, then B would use A's chest and shoulders to determine where he (B) should move/stand so that his body is in front of A and so that their chests are parallel. Then they would be facing each other like the women above.

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