Learn English – What does “this” used as a single word sentence mean


I found this comment on an answer at Workplace.SE.

This. Also, in a properly organized scrum, there is no team member over another. The team self-organizes. The scrum master is there to ensure that things like the daily scrum meeting happen, and to facilitate them He's not there to lead anything. (emphasis added)

I have noticed this single-word sentence "This." being increasingly used these days. What does it mean?

As you might expect, with "this" being a frequently used word, internet search wasn't much useful. Sentence word article on Wikipedia was the most relevant among the results, but it seems nowhere near to being relevant to this question.

Best Answer

"This" used as a single word sentence will almost always be used as a response or reply to another statement and is functionally identical to saying "+1" or "👍".
It just means "I agree completely with this."
Edit: The usage is exclusively casual, and usually found in online forums and similar.

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