Meaning in Context – What Does ‘To Be Off With Someone’ Mean?


What does "to be off with someone" mean in this sentence "Ever since I said no to him, he's been very off with me."?

Best Answer

33. slightly abnormal
34. not up to standard; not so good or satisfactory as usual; inferior or subnormal

It's between these two definitions. If I say, "He's been off with me," or, "He's been very off with me," it means that things are not the same between us, that he hasn't been treating me like he normally does, that there's an awkwardness, issue, or something going on with him that's affecting his behavior towards me, like maybe he's upset with me about something I said or did, which I maybe don't even know what that something is because I didn't realize he took offense, got hurt feelings, or had whatever emotional reaction he had that's making things off between us as he maybe hasn't told me, or maybe he's just been in a funk or in a funny mood lately about something completely unrelated to me, but whatever it is up with him, the way he's been with me, the way our relationship has been lately, has been not like it usually is, and not in a good way. It's that strangeness in him and how it's affecting how he's treating me by his treatment of me being substandard that I'm commenting on.

Being that the usage is somewhat slangy or informal, I believe this definition from Urban Dictionary sums it up, as well:

To be weird, off center, not normal.
"she's a bit off"

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