Learn English – What does “to charge up” mean in this context


Here they come ten thousand strong
Charging up the hill
This day will be both hard and long
They move in for the kill

Hold the line, don't let it break
Use your sword and spear
A glory death, for all awaits
All who knows no fear

Could you please explain what means "to charge up" in these lyrics from 'Free Will Sacrifice' by Amon Amarth? My best guess is that it's just a metaphor. But perhaps there is a special and rarely used meaning of this verb?

Best Answer

As MorganFR and Cathy Gartaganis commented, "to charge" is being used here with the definition of "to attack by rushing violently against."

The word "up" is not a part of the phrase "charge up" here, as it would commonly be when using "charge" to mean "charge up a battery". Rather, it is simply saying which direction the men were charging- "up the hill." In contrast, the enemy atop the hill could have very well responded by "charging down the hill" at them.

This scene from the Lord of the Rings opens with a group "charging out" of the stronghold and down a narrow walkway, and then later the cavalry, led by Gandalf (in white), "charges down" the hill to fight.

Also this scene from the Lord of the Rings is the "Charge of the Rohirrim", and the beginning of the actual charge can be seen at 2:10 in the clip.

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