Learn English – What does “triggered” mean


I know that the answer to this question might be very obvious like "go search online" or go check Urban Dictionary but I have already did but I did not really understand. Does it mean 'pissed' or 'upset'?

I precisely mean the way people use it on memes or when someone says: "I'm triggered"

Best Answer

It's a technical term from psychology that's recently entered into common usage (and often with some irony or exaggeration).

Trigger (MW, transitive verb definition 3)

to cause an intense and usually negative emotional reaction in (someone)

Someone who was trapped in a collapsed building for several days after an earthquake might reasonably develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). That PTSD could be triggered by, for example, thunder, or flickering lights in an elevator, or walking into a dark closet.

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