Meaning – What Does ‘Whole 360’ Mean in This Context?


In heist comedy movie Logan Lucky (2017), Fish Bang said these words to Jimmy, who forced them to mount the heist a week earlier:

Fish Bang: We needed a moral reason to pull this job with you. Now, we
was fine with you wanting to get back at that store for messing with
your hot sister. But you did a whole 360 on everything when you moved
up the date!

What does "whole 360" mean in this context?

Best Answer

360 is the number of degrees in a circle, usually representing a complete, or 'whole' turn (hence "a whole 360").

There are a number of commonly used phrases that include '360' to denote a complete turn around.

Actually, I feel that a lot of such phrases are technically wrong. For example, I've seen "360 degree turn" used to mean a change in direction, similar to the phrase "a U-turn". But a turn in the opposite direction would only be 180 degrees - turning 360 degrees means you would end up facing the same direction you began with.

Given the context of your quote - moving a date forward - this seems like another example of it being an ill-fitting use of the term. That could be intentional on the part of the writers - scripts use everyday language, even if terms are being used incorrectly. It seems that the character Fish Bang is referring to Jimmy changing his mind.

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