Sentence Meaning – What Does ‘Write Code that Creates a List of All Integers from 50 to the Power of 300’ Mean?


I'm trying to figure out what the sentence below means.

Write code that creates a list of all integers from 50 to the power of 300.

I'm struggling with the "from 50 to the power of 300" part.

I've been googling for an hour now, but I've never heard "to the power of 300" without a base.

What does that mean? From 50 to what number? Is it possible that the teacher made a mistake?

So we came up with another way on how to interpret that, and given our previous exercises, this probably makes the most sense:

Write code that creates a list of all integer digits from 50 to the power of 300.

This would be still a little ambiguous, however we could interpret that as first calculating 50^300 and then creating a list of integers that includes each digit of 50^300 individually.

Best Answer

The way you have presented it, the statement makes no sense in terms of finite computation*. If you have copied the words correctly then the teacher has made a mistake.

Are you 100% certain that you have transcribed every word perfectly? Please double check and, if the text is exactly as presented, ask your teacher to clarify.

*The reason is that, as it stands, it is asking for an infinite list. It is possible to compute the integer 50^300. The answer has 510 digits in decimal notation - it is huge! However you are then asked to calculate "all integers from" that number. There is an infinite number of integers that are greater than 50^300 so it would take an infinite amount of time to calculate them. Not only that but you also have to store them in a list!

Your teacher would not get the whole list even after the end of the universe.

As a matter of interest, 50^300 is


But of course you now have to count from that number until infinity and store the results!

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