Learn English – What does “You could’ve fried an egg on your face” mean


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Harry yanked his robes straight and headed for a seat at the very back of the class, where he busied himself with piling all seven of Lockhart's books in front of him, so that he could avoid looking at the real thing(refers to Lockhart).

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You could've fried an egg on your face,” said Ron.

“You'd better hope Creevey doesn't meet Ginny, or they'll be starting
a Harry Potter fan club.”

“Shut up,” snapped Harry.

The last thing he needed was for Lockhart to hear the phrase “Harry
Potter fan club.”

I don't quite get the meaning of “You could've fried an egg on your face,”. I think it's a metaphor. The close phrase I can get is "have egg on one's face", which means: Fig. to be embarrassed by something one has done. But the phrase "fried an egg on your face" might be different. What does it mean exactly? Is it the same as have egg on one's face?

— From Harry Potter.

Best Answer

More or less you got the meaning. Harry was embarrassed and probably he was blushing.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary


to become redder or darker in the face, usually from embarrassment

His face was so red that it was almost red-hot and he could've fried an egg on his face


extremely hot

It's a metaphor that exaggerates the grade of embarrasment of Harry in that situation. He was embarrassed, blushing, so red that you can almost feel the heat.

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