Learn English – “what … for” vs “for what …”


I know that the next sentence is correct:

What are you going to use it for?

But I was wondering if the following one would be correct as well:

For what are you going to use it?

I had a conversation with my friend where he had noticed my wrong use of the second sentence. Was his remark right?

Best Answer

This one is a bit interesting. In super-duper-perfect grammarian's English, the second sentence would be the only correct sentence, as it's technically incorrect to end a sentence with a conjunction or preposition. As MvLog pointed out, this rule is dated and archaic, so few people strictly adhere to it.

In addition, pretty much everyone who speaks English would use your first sentence. It just sounds more natural.

So to sum up: the first one sounds the best (and is the one you should use), while the second is technically grammatically correct.

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