Learn English – What grammar construction is “have/has to be participle”


Recently I have heard following sentence:

"What other basic commands do you think she has to be told?

I do understand what does this sentence mean, but I do not fully understand what construction is it grammar-wise?

My guessing that it is "-have to + passive voice-" combination here, where "-have to-" is that "kind-of-modal-verb-but-overly-not", am I right here?

Also, if for some reason I would like to cut off modality from sentence, can I rephrase this sentence in following way (just for note, I want to point that someone already told her some instructions and now I am wondering what they exactly were):

"What other basic commands do you think she was told?

Best Answer

To have to X means to be required or forced to do X. It's often equivalent to must X.

I have to go now = I am required to go now, I must go now.

One meaning of to have to be X is to be required or forced to have X completed or done.

I have to be finished by 2:00pm.

I have to be gone before John gets here.

Another meaning of to have to be X is to be required or forced that someone else does X to you. If there is no by phrase saying who, the default is by someone or by anyone.

She will have to be told to leave, otherwise she isn't leaving.

I have to be washed by the nurse since my arms are immobile.

My guessing that it is "-have to + passive voice-" combination here, where "-have to-" is that "kind-of-modal-verb-but-overly-not", am I right here?

Have isn't a modal. It can be a helping or auxillary verb as traditional grammar describes. Like do or be. I'm sure CEGL calls it something different. It's definitely not a modal because it's an option to use with modals. E.g. I could have gone and I could go are valid.

Your modals are: can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must, ought and a few other not-so-common ones like dare.

But have in addition to being a helping/auxillary verb is also a standalone verb, and you have have X and a phrasal variation have to X.

E.g. this works:

I would have had to have gone to the park yesterday but my friend had gone instead.

can I rephrase this sentence in following way

Yep, because you are asking about the what the commands are, not really anything else about the commands such as whether or not she had to do them.

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