Learn English – what is the difference between forge and fake as verbs


what is the difference between forge and fake as verbs and which correct to say "he has faked the passport" or "he has forged the passport"? and which correct to say "fake passport" or "forged passport"? and if both are correct then when to use each of them.

Best Answer

Ignoring the fact that the word "forge" has an alternate definition in the field of metalworking, the difference between the two primarily relates to the object of the faking/forging.

In your usage above, the two words are synonymous. Both mean that he has produced an inauthentic passport.

However - you would only use the word "forge" in relation to written documents and signatures, whereas you can use the word "fake" in many more contexts. You can fake an illness, pretending to be sick. You can fake your own death to deceive others.