Learn English – what is the difference between – I make it to go and I make it go


What is the difference between sentences like these:

I make it to go.
I make it go.


You make me to cry.
You make me cry.

Best Answer

In English, modal verbs such as CAN, WILL, the verbs MAKE, LET and also verbs of perception, for example SEE, FEEL or HEAR take verbs in the plain form. These verbs appear without the word to. For this reason:

  • *You make me to cry (ungrammatical)

... is badly formed. It's ungrammatical. We need the plain form of CRY without the word to:

  • You make me cry.

Some verbs in English can take another verb either in the plain form or with a to-infinitive. One example is the verb HELP:

  • He helped me to carry the piano.
  • He helped me carry the piano.
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