Learn English – what is the difference between ‘under construction’ and ‘renovation’


I saw some sentences.
This was written as 'His Web site is still under construction.'

I think it means 'repair process of existing web site' so I chose answer 'He has an online portfolio in his website' answer.

I now understand that it is so abstract that was not correct answer.
But I want to know what is the difference between 'under construction' and 'renovation'.

Does it depend on the context?

Best Answer

under construction almost always implies something is being built for the first time. It has become a commonplace phrase regarding web sites.

renovation always refers to major repair or overhaul of something that already exists.

One can renovate a site. In that case it is being refreshed, not undergoing its initial establishment.

Both terms traditionally referred to building things like houses, bridges, or roads. They pretty much maintain their traditional meaning when applied to web sites.

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