Learn English – what is the meaning of ” timber claims”


On the prairie, the wind blew. But in the mountains, there was rain. When we stopped at little timber claims along the way, the homesteaders said it had rained all summer. Crops among the blackened stumps were rotted and spoiled. There was no cheer anywhere, and little hospitality. The people we talked to were past worrying.They were scared and desperate.

Dose "timber claims" means: an area that is owned by someone?

This passage is from a short story named: Too Soon A Woman by Dorothy M.Johnson

Best Answer

Merriam Webster:

Noun, claim

": something that is claimed especially : a tract of land staked out The prospector's claim was set at 90 yards to reduce the potential for conflict."

though claims were often for mining, there could be a claim for any type of land, such as farmland or timber land.

In American history, this is known as laying or staking a claim to land. It is a favorite "thing" in many Hollywood movies about the West.

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