Learn English – what is the meaning of “wearing a shirt”


stick figure drawing of someone with a shirt on and someone putting their arms through the sleeves of a shirt

Who is wearing a shirt?
I think number 1 man is wearing a shirt.
But my mothertongue also makes sense number 2 man is wearing a shirt.

I think that "wearing a shirt"can transplate a double meaning . which is a man is wearing his clothes all day. (1 number picture) And wearing his clothes just that moment. (2 number picture) and I edit my picture because number 2 picture look like put off his shirts.

And I don’t know why I can’t comment.

Best Answer

1 is "wear a shirt"

2 is "put on a shirt"

-ing seems to be attached to wearing.

So wearing is like a progression form.

It is right in a sense.

but wearing is almost a complement.

"wear" can be used like here.

He wears a mustache.

He wears a shirt.

What is difference between "wears a shirt" and "is wearing a shirt"?

"is wearing a shirt" is temporarily,for a short time but after putting it on.

"wears a shirt" is relatively,for a long time after putting it on.

"put on" is not used after putting on a shirt,it is an action has a finis!

I wear new suits to the party. (It is not that I am putting on new suits on the way to the party as I get to near the place, as time goes! it means that I put on new suits and go to the party!)

I'm wearing new suits to the party.

It makes no sense.

It means that I wear new suits temporarily, and put it off, and go to the party. you probably go to the party with naked or under shirts.

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